There was snow everywhere this year. People were complaining, they were cold..but it was stubborn, merciless, regardless--beautiful on the other hand. It was the occupier, lord of the white!
Bu yil doya doya yagdi kar. Soylenen insanlara aldirmadan, usuyen insanlara acimadan, ertesi gun eritse de onu yagmur ve ruzgar, yilmadi yagdi yagdi..Beyazdi hersey, her yer artik. Hakimiyet onundu, karin..kar kisin efendisi!
The sprigs of the tree were white that sparkles in the sun.
Agacin dallari beyazdi.
The seat of the empty swing was white.
Bos salincagin oturagi da.
As an inspiration to a lacework, the leaves were white.
Beyazdi yaprak, dantel oyasiyla bir ornek.
White..the roses on the horse cart.
Beyazdi at arabasinin gulleri.
The rush of people was white.
Insanlarin telasi beyazdi.
It snowed regardless this winter. And all I could do was to learn to shoot snow photographs with correct exposure, pray for those who try to deal with cold, feel the pain who miss each other because snow blocked the roads, and write these couple of words to share my feelings. I hope you have a warm and happy winter with the snow at your garden full of footprints of your family. Love from a white and cold winter..
Kar bu kis herseye inat lapa lapa, doya doya yagdi. Benim elimden gelen ise beyazi patlatmadan kar fotografi cekmeyi ogrenmek bir gezide, usuyenlere dua etmek, kar yuzunden kavusamayanlarin hissettiklerini hissetmek derinlerde ve buradan bir iki satir yazmak oldu bu kar kiyamette. Bahcenizde tutan kar birikintisinde bir cok ayak izi olmasi ve sicacik kalmaniz dileklerimle. Bembeyaz bir kistan sevgiyle..
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